360 Feedback

360 feedback is an exceptionally powerful and valuable development tool

We have over 15 year’s experience designing and running 360s. Our customisable system and expert support can drive improvements to your employee experience,  cause behavioural and organisational change and transform your culture through real-time feedback.

In our experience, 360 feedback is a highly effective process to develop performance and to encourage change in attitude and behaviour. However, many of the tools available offer only a generic approach based on standard sets of feedback questions, linked to standard corporate competencies.

Our 360 tool is a bespoke solution allowing full tailoring of all aspects of the process and report. By focusing on the capabilities that are critical to the organisation’s strategy and the behaviours that fit with the business values, the individuals receive a report that is absolutely relevant to their role and career. And it includes an action plan to ensure that steps are taken to set goals, actions and measure them.


Why use theGrogroup 360?

Because we aren’t just a software provider, what you get from us goes far beyond a 360 system. You’ll benefit from dedicated expert support to design and implement your programme. We can guide participants on action plans, offer coaching or any other development support needed. So, whether you need a simple 360 feedback tool for a small group of leaders or a firm wide programme, we can help.

Our 360 tool has been used in a variety of ways to help clients:

As part of a Leadership or Management developmental programme

Obtaining specific feedback on Leadership or Management competencies at the start of the to a programme allows individuals to define clear objectives and outcomes. Repeating the exercise at the end not only tracks progress made but is a tremendously effective way of measuring the Return on Investment of the development programme

Coaching programmes

The 360 can be effectively used to devise an effective framework for individual or group coaching

To help with promotion processes and promotion ‘onboarding’

The 360 tool can help individuals understand the ‘gaps’ between what is required in knowledge, skills and behaviours for their current position and the aspired new position – and form the basis of an action and development plan to ensure a successful transition.

As a quick and easy developmental tool

When budgets are tight and time is precious, providing 360 reports for groups or individuals, followed by facilitation and coaching sessions can deliver very effective results.


Please take a look at this sample360report
